Where can you buy Solpadol Tablets Online?

What is Solpadol?


  • Contains paracetamol and codeine
  • Provides relief from pain
  • Combination medication works more effectively than paracetamol on its own
£69.99 View Product


  • Increases tolerance to pain
  • Decreases discomfort
  • Effective treatment
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Where can I buy Solpadol Tablets Online?

Solpadol tablets are available here at EU Meds. Solpadol is a combination of codeine and paracetamol at a strength of 30/500mg. Codeine with paracetamol is called co-codamol, which is the generic form of solpadol. You can buy solpadol as well as co-codamol on our website.

Can I buy Solpadol Without Prescription?

While co-codamol is available without prescription when dosed at 8/500mg, solpadol only comes as 30 mg of codeine with 500mg of paracetamol. This means that you can not buy solpadol over-the-counter. The only dose of co-codamol that will allow you to buy codeine no prescription is the 8/500mg dose co-codamol.

If you want co-codamol over the counter, order 8 500 co codamol from a pharmacy.

Which is stronger, Solpadol, Co-Dydramol or Codeine?

Solpadol contains codeine and co-dydramol contains dihydrocodeine. Dihydrocodeine is considered a stronger form of codeine, so that would make co dydramol stronger than solpadol.

Codeine tablets uk do not contain paracetamol. Paracetamol plus codeine produce a stronger painkiller than either paracetamol or codeine alone. Both solpadol and co-dydramol contain paracetamol. This would make both solpadol and co-dydramol stronger than an equal dose of codeine taken alone.

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Can you take Ibuprofen with Codeine?

Can you take ibuprofen with co codamol, which contains codeine? Yes, you can. The pain medications you want to avoid taking with co-codamol are codeine or paracetamol. This is because co-codamol contains both codeine and paracetamol, which would strengthen the dose of both medications. This means that you can also take zapain and ibuprofen, because Zapain is the same as co-codamol.

Can you take co-codamol for migraine headaches?

Can you take co codamol for migraine? Co-codamol is a combination of two different analgesics - paracetamol and codeine. This medication is used to relieve moderate pain. It's used to relieve discomfort from aches and pains, including headaches, muscle pain, migraines, and toothaches. Co-codamol may help with pain relief if other, everyday painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or paracetamol have not been effective.


  • Contains paracetamol and codeine
  • Provides relief from pain
  • Combination medication works more effectively than paracetamol on its own
£69.99 View Product


  • Increases tolerance to pain
  • Decreases discomfort
  • Effective treatment
£39.99 View Product