Top 6 Plants For Your Bedroom

    In our busy lives, quality sleep matters. Could the solution be as simple as adding a plant to your bedroom? In this article, we'll introduce the top 6 plants that can help improve your sleep. We'll explain why they work and offer tips on caring for them.

    A snake plant, scientifically known as Dracaena trifasciata, is a popular houseplant in the UK and around the world. This plant is particularly favoured for its hardy nature and striking appearance. The snake plant has tall, upright leaves that resemble the shape of a snake's rising head, hence the name. These leaves are usually green with mottled or striped patterns in varying shades.

    Can snake plants survive indoors?

    Yes, snake plants are exceptionally well-suited for indoor environments in the UK and elsewhere. They are ideally suited to indoor environments due to their evolutionary adaptation to low-light conditions. Their succulent leaves also efficiently store water, allowing for infrequent watering which even the strictest plant owners may be guilty of from time to time. Snake plants are an excellent choice for indoor spaces in the UK, given their adaptability and low-maintenance nature.

    What qualities does a snake plant have?

    The snake plant, which is also known as the “mother-in-law’s tongue” in the United Kingdom is known to have a number of different qualities and characteristics that make it a popular house plant choice. Here are a few of the qualities that a snake plant possesses:

    • Air purification: Snake plants are known to have the ability to remove toxins from the air. They can also convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at night, whereas most other plants only do this during the day.

    • Unique aesthetic: With their tall, upright, sword-like leaves, snake plants can be a stylish addition to various interior décors, providing a touch of greenery and a modern feel. There are also multiple types of snake plants, each with a unique appearance.

    • Resistance to drought: Snake plants can retain water and survive extended periods without watering, making them very popular among people who may not remember to water their plants that often.

    • Resistance to pests: Snake plants are resistant to most pests in the United Kingdom which means they do not need to be chemically treated.

    Why is a snake plant good for the bedroom?

    The snake plant is one of the best plants that you can have in your bedroom. They can help to improve the air quality in your room, promoting a healthier airflow, whilst removing harmful pollutants that can impact your sleep. For example, enriching the air in your room by using a snake plant can reduce the presence of airborne allergens such as pet hair and dust mites that may stop you from sleeping. Having a snake plant in your bedroom can also help to boost your mental health as indoor plants can reduce physiological and psychological stress (Lee et al, 2015).

    How to take care of a snake plant in the bedroom?

    Taking care of a snake plant in your bedroom is a straightforward process. Given its hardy nature, it thrives even with minimal care. Although they can live in all light levels, snake plants prefer bright, indirect light. You may be best moving your plant to a bright spot in your room. You should avoid overwatering your snake plant. As there is often less evaporation in the bedroom you will only need to water your plant every now and then based on the moisture of its soil.

    As for soil, you are best off using soil that drains well and does not waterlog, for example, cactus or succulent soil. You should make sure that the pot you put your plant in has draining holes to avoid root rot. Always keep your snake plant out of the reach of children or pets as their leaves can be toxic if ingested. 

    Lavender (Lavandular)

    Lavender is a well-known herb native to northern Africa and the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean. The name "lavender" comes from the Latin word "lavare", which means "to wash", possibly because it was often used in baths and laundry for its fragrant properties. Lavender is a popular plant due to its vibrant purple colour and distinctive fragrance.

    Can Lavender survive indoors?

    Lavender can be grown indoors, but it requires specific conditions to thrive. It's a plant that's accustomed to the sunny, well-draining conditions of the Mediterranean region, so replicating this environment is crucial for its health. It will need direct sunlight for at least 3 to 4 hours a day, ideally in a south-facing window. It also requires good air circulation and temperatures between 15°C to 21°C, although it prefers to be cooler at night.

    What qualities does Lavender have?

    Lavender has a wide variety of different qualities and characteristics that make it one of the most popular plants available in the UK. Here are some of the qualities that lavender possesses:

    • Fragrance: Lavender is known for its distinctive scent. The fragrance of lavender is one of the most popular fragrances around and is used for a number of different products.

    • Medicinal qualities: Lavender has been used as an ingredient medicinally for hundreds of years. It is calming, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.

    • Repellent: Lavender's strong scent is very effective at repelling moths and mosquitos. 

    • Aesthetic: Not only does Lavender smell great, but it is also very aesthetically pleasing. Its violet-blue colour makes it popular both indoors and outdoors. 

    Why is Lavender good for the bedroom?

    Lavender might offer several potential benefits for use in the bedroom, especially in promoting relaxation and sleep. Compounds in lavender oil have shown a range of potential therapeutic effects, which could be beneficial in a bedroom setting to promote relaxation (Koulivand et al, 2013)

    It should be noted that other factors such as sleep hygiene may change how lavender affects sleep. Lavender, especially when paired with proper sleep hygiene, can be a useful addition to the bedroom for those looking to address sleep issues (Lillehei et al, 2015)

    Lavender aromatherapy, when used during sleep, can enhance mood by reducing feelings of fatigue and anxiety and help to create a more relaxed and positive sleeping environment (Sazawa et al, 2022). This can be aromatherapy from lavender oil, lavender-scented products, or even the plant itself. 

    How to take care of Lavender in the bedroom?

    Caring for lavender in the bedroom requires attention to its basic needs, ensuring it gets adequate light and the right conditions. It will need plenty of direct sunlight, around 3-4 hours a day, so you may wish to consider leaving it in the brightest part of your bedroom. Lavender does not require too much water and should only be watered when the top layer of soil has dried out. 

    You should make sure to use well-draining soil such as cactus or succulent soil, and you may need to refresh the soil over time. To enhance the aromatic benefits of lavender you may wish to lightly brush its leaves as this can help to release the fragrance. 

    Rubber plant (Ficus elastica)

    The rubber plant, scientifically known as Ficus elastica, is a popular houseplant that originates from Southeast Asia. It is known for its large, glossy, dark green leaves that can grow to be quite substantial in size. Historically, the latex or sap of the rubber plant was used to produce natural rubber. However, the majority of natural rubber production has since shifted to the Hevea brasiliensis tree.

    Can a rubber plant survive indoors?

    Yes, a rubber plant can not only survive indoors but actually thrives as a popular indoor plant, especially in places like the UK where outdoor conditions might not be ideal for it year-round.  It requires bright, indirect light and should be watered when the top 2-3 cm of soil dries out. A well-draining potting mix and temperatures between 15°C and 25°C are ideal. 

    What qualities does a rubber plant have?

    The rubber plant has a wide variety of different qualities and characteristics that make it one of the most popular indoor plants. Here are some of the qualities that a rubber plant possesses:

    • Unique aesthetic: The rubber plant has large, dark, glossy green leaves that suit a range of interior designs.

    • Air purification: Rubber plants can help to purify the air in your home by removing toxins and producing oxygen.

    • Growth potential: When left in its natural habitat, the rubber plant can grow into large trees. When indoors, it can grow into a manageable, small indoor tree.

    • Low maintenance: When kept in the right conditions the rubber plant is very low maintenance, making it perfect for plant owners who do not want to care for their plants like children.

    Why is a rubber plant good for the bedroom?

    Indoor plants like rubber plants have been shown to increase the performance of students in classrooms (El-Tanbouly et al, 2021). While the referenced study was conducted in a classroom setting, it's plausible that these benefits could extend to other environments, like bedrooms. The rubber plant is known to purify indoor air. It helps in removing pollutants, specifically formaldehyde, which is commonly found in many household products. Cleaner air can lead to better respiratory health and improved sleep quality.

    As well as this, being surrounded by greenery, even indoors, can have a positive effect on one's mood. The presence of plants can reduce stress, and anxiety, and promote feelings of relaxation. For a bedroom, this can aid in winding down and preparing the mind for a restful night's sleep.

    How to take care of a rubber plant in the bedroom?

    Taking care of a rubber plant (Ficus elastica) in the bedroom requires attention to a few specific areas. Rubber plants prefer bright, indirect light. In British homes, a spot near an east or west-facing window would be ideal. If your bedroom doesn't get a lot of natural light, you might need to move the plant to a brighter spot periodically or consider using artificial plant lights. Rubber plants prefer temperatures between 15°C to 25°C. Avoid placing the plant near radiators or drafts from windows, especially during the colder months.

    For soil, use a well-draining potting mix, ideally one designed for houseplants or indoor trees.

    During the growing season (spring and summer), feed the rubber plant with a diluted liquid fertiliser every 2-4 weeks. It is important to remember that rubber plants can grow quite large, so they might need to be repotted every couple of years. Rubber plants may not be ideal if you only have a small space to put them.

    English Ivy (Hedera helix)

    English Ivy (Hedera helix) is a well-known evergreen climbing plant native to western, central, and southern Europe. It has since become widespread in many parts of the world and is commonly used both as an ornamental plant and for its practical applications. English Ivy is recognised by its trailing or climbing vine structure. Its leaves are dark green, waxy, and come in various shapes, but they're most commonly lobed and have a heart-shaped base.

    Can an English Ivy survive indoors?

    Yes, English Ivy can certainly survive and even thrive indoors, provided it receives appropriate care. English Ivy prefers bright, indirect light when indoors. A spot near a window with filtered sunlight, such as through a sheer curtain, is ideal. East or west-facing windows are often suitable in British homes.

    What qualities does English Ivy have?

    English Ivy possesses several distinctive qualities and characteristics, making it a popular choice for various applications. Here are some of the qualities English Ivy has:

    • Evergreen: English Ivy retains its leaves throughout the year, providing consistent greenery irrespective of the season.

    • Climbing ability: It uses aerial rootlets to climb fences, walls, trellises and even other plants.

    • Air purification: Several studies suggest that English Ivy has the ability to reduce indoor air pollutants such as benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene.

    • Resilience: English Ivy is quite hardy and can tolerate a range of conditions, from full sun to shade and from dry soils to those that are more moist.

    Why is English Ivy good for the bedroom?

    English Ivy offers several benefits that make it an advantageous choice for the bedroom. It can aid with air purification which helps turn your bedroom into a more comfortable environment which can help with sleep quality. It can also help to regulate the humidity of your room by releasing moisture into the air, thus helping to create a comfortable environment perfect for sleep and sleep quality. 

    How to take care of English Ivy in the bedroom?

    Taking care of English Ivy in the bedroom requires some specific considerations to ensure its health and vitality. While English Ivy is adaptable, it prefers bright, indirect light. In a typical British home, placing it near an east or west-facing window is ideal. You should also water the plant when the top layer of soil feels dry to the touch. Be careful not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.

    For soil, use a well-draining potting mix. A general-purpose houseplant mix is usually suitable. If you want to improve drainage, consider adding some perlite or coarse sand. During its growing season (spring and summer), you will need to feed English Ivy with a diluted liquid fertiliser every 2-4 weeks. In the dormant months of autumn and winter, reduce feeding frequency or stop altogether.

    Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller)

    Aloe Vera, scientifically known as Aloe barbadensis miller, is a perennial, succulent plant renowned for its thick, fleshy, green to grey-green leaves and the number of benefits derived from its gel. Aloe Vera gel is famed for its soothing properties, particularly for burns, sunburns, and minor skin irritations. The gel has been used for centuries in traditional medicine. Aloe Vera has also been known to help patients suffering from insomnia and other sleep conditions (Sabbaghzadegan et al, 2023).

    Can Aloe Vera survive indoors?

    Yes, Aloe Vera can thrive indoors with the appropriate care. Given its succulent nature, it's well-suited to indoor environments where it can receive adequate light and be protected from overly moist conditions. Aloe Vera requires plenty of bright, indirect light. A south or west-facing window in a British home is usually ideal. As it is a succulent, it does not require regular watering as it stores water in its leaves. 

    What qualities does Aloe Vera have?

    Aloe Vera boasts a rich array of qualities and characteristics that have made it a popular plant all over the world for so many years. Here are some of the qualities that Aloe Vera has:

    • Medicinal properties: Aloe Vera has various medicinal properties. It can help to soothe skin, can aid wound healing, and has anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Cosmetic applications: The moisturising and skin-healing properties of Aloe Vera make it a sought-after ingredient in skincare products, cosmetics, and haircare products.

    • Ornamental aesthetic: Aloe Vera's succulent, spiky leaves and rosette formation make it a popular choice for ornamental purposes, both indoors and in gardens in suitable climates.

    • Natural detoxifier: Aloe Vera gel can help to naturally detoxify the body, aiding in the elimination of waste and toxins.

    Why is Aloe Vera good for the bedroom?

    Aloe Vera offers several attributes that make it a valuable addition to the bedroom. Like some other houseplants, Aloe Vera has the ability to improve indoor air quality. It is able to absorb air pollutants and carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen in the process, especially during the night. This can enhance the overall air quality in the bedroom, promoting better sleep. Aloe Vera can also slightly increase the humidity in a bedroom, which can be beneficial for respiratory health and skin hydration, particularly during drier months or in homes with air conditioning or heating.

    How to take care of Aloe Vera in the bedroom?

    Taking care of an Aloe Vera plant in the bedroom is straightforward, given its hardy nature as a succulent. Aloe Vera requires a good amount of bright, indirect light. In a British bedroom, placing it near a south or west-facing window would be ideal. If the sunlight is too intense, you might consider using a sheer curtain to filter the light. Aloe Vera plants store water in their leaves, so they don't need frequent watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings. Overwatering can cause root rot, a common issue with succulents.

    For the soil, use a well-draining potting mix, preferably one designed for cacti and succulents. Aloe Vera doesn't require frequent fertilising. Feeding it with a diluted, balanced liquid fertiliser once in the spring and once in the summer should suffice.

    Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

    Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), commonly known as Devil's Ivy or Golden Pothos, is a popular houseplant renowned for its hardy nature and attractive, heart-shaped leaves. Pothos is a versatile and attractive plant, ideal for beginners or those looking for low-maintenance houseplants.

    Can Pothos survive indoors?

    Pothos is actually one of the most popular indoor plants precisely because of its ability to thrive in indoor conditions. Its adaptability and minimal care requirements make it an excellent choice for homes, offices, and other indoor spaces. It can thrive in areas of low light and areas of bright light, and does not require too much watering or overall maintenance. This makes it incredibly popular for plant owners who are looking for an easy to maintain yet attractive plant that has a number of benefits. 

    What qualities does Pothos have?

    Pothos possesses an array of characteristics that make it a beloved choice for indoor gardeners and plant enthusiasts. Here are some of the qualities of Pothos that make it a popular indoor plant choice:

    • Adaptability: Pothos is incredibly adaptable. It can thrive in a variety of different environments. 

    • Air purification: Pothos has been identified in studies as being able to help remove certain indoor pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene, contributing to improved air quality (NIH, 2019).

    • Resistance: Pothos is resistant to many common houseplant pests, though occasional infestations can occur. Its overall hardiness means it's less susceptible to diseases and pests than some other plants.

    • Longevity: With proper care, Pothos can be a long-lived houseplant, providing greenery and aesthetic appeal for many years.

    Why is Pothos good for the bedroom?

    Pothos offers several benefits that make it an ideal choice for bedrooms. Pothos is recognised for its ability to remove certain indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and xylene. By improving air quality, Pothos can potentially contribute to a healthier sleeping environment. Pothos also continues to release oxygen at night instead of carbon dioxide, which most plants emit in the day. This oxygen boost might enhance the overall air quality in the bedroom. Aesthetically, Pothos's trailing nature allows for various display options. It can be hung from the ceiling in a basket, placed on a high shelf with vines cascading down, or even set on a bedside table. 

    How to take care of Pothos in the bedroom?

    Taking care of Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) in the bedroom is straightforward, given its resilient nature. Pothos is versatile when it comes to lighting. While it prefers bright, indirect light, it can also tolerate low light conditions. In a typical British bedroom, placing it near a window where it receives indirect sunlight would be ideal. The frequency of watering your plant will depend on the room's temperature, humidity, and light levels, but in general, it's better to err on the side of underwatering.

    In terms of soil, a well-draining potting mix is essential. You can use a general-purpose houseplant mix or one designed for cacti and succulents. You will need to make sure your pot has drainage holes to prevent water from sitting at the bottom, which can lead to root rot. It is important to note that Pothos is not frost-tolerant so you will need to make sure your bedroom does not get too cold in the winter.


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