Can dihydrocodeine cause loss of appetite?

    Dihydrocodeine is a commonly prescribed opioid medication that is used to help treat moderate to severe pain. As with any medication, it's crucial to understand its potential side effects and how they might impact your well-being. In this question, we will answer the question of whether dihydrocodeine can cause a loss of appetite. We will look at the most common side effects of dihydrocodeine, whether a loss of appetite is one of them, what to do if you experience a loss of appetite whilst using dihydrocodeine, and other frequently asked dihydrocodeine questions.

    A man with a loss of appetite

    What are the common side effects of Dihydrocodeine?

    According to the NHS, the most common side effects of dihydrocodeine will affect around 1 in every 100 people using the medication. They state that the most common side effects of dihydrocodeine are:

    • Constipation

    • Nausea or vomiting

    • Drowsiness

    • Confusion, dizziness and vertigo

    • Dry mouth

    • Headaches

    If you are experiencing side effects whilst using dihydrocodeine, you may wish to consult with your healthcare provider for further advice.

    Can Dihydrocodeine cause loss of appetite?

    Yes, dihydrocodeine can, in some cases, cause people to lose their appetite. This is not however a common side effect of dihydrocodeine usage and is classed as a more serious side effect. This side effect can occur when the medication affects the adrenal glands. This can manifest other side effects including diarrhoea, dizziness, fainting, depression, nausea, rashes and weakness, as well as a loss of appetite (Merative, 2024). Some of these are more common than others such as dizziness, diarrhoea and nausea, and some are less common, like loss of appetite.

    Is a loss of appetite a common side effect of Dihydrocodeine?

    While loss of appetite is not considered a common side effect of dihydrocodeine, it is deemed a more serious one that warrants close monitoring and discussion with a healthcare provider. If you experience a loss of appetite while taking dihydrocodeine or notice any concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult with your doctor for proper evaluation and guidance.

    What should you do if you experience a loss of appetite when taking Dihydrocodeine?

    If you experience a loss of appetite while taking dihydrocodeine, it's crucial to consult your doctor immediately. Loss of appetite can be a concerning symptom that may indicate underlying issues or adverse reactions to the medication. Your doctor can provide further evaluation, guidance, and potential adjustments to your treatment plan to ensure your well-being and address any concerns effectively.

    Do you need a prescription for Dihydrocodeine?

    Yes, in the United Kingdom dihydrocodeine is classified as a prescription-only medication. This is also the answer that the NHS provides. This means that you cannot obtain the medication legally without having a prescription for it given to you by a healthcare professional. At EU Meds, you are given a free private prescription for dihydrocodeine when you successfully complete our online consultation prior to making your purchase.

    Can you buy Dihydrocodeine online?

    Yes, you can purchase dihydrocodeine online from EU Meds which will be delivered directly to your door. To purchase dihydrocodeine online from EU Meds you will need to complete our free online consultation that ensures you are suitable for the medication you are trying to purchase.

    Medically Reviewed by:
    Dr. Irfan Siddique MBBS
    GMC reference no: 7694522


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