Welcome to the EU Meds Blog

Here at EU Meds, we want to offer you more than just the ability to purchase the medications you require. On this blog, we aim to shed some light on conditions, medications, how they work, what they interact with and any medical news that we think might interest you. Browse below, either by category or by viewing all, to catch up on the latest and learn more.

EU Meds Discount Code: Save More Money On Your Medication

Can you save money when you buy medications online? Yes! With an EU Meds discount code! Read on & here’s a gift for you: SAVEMONEY10

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Is it legal to buy Zopiclone online?

EU Meds answer the common question insomnia patients ask us: is it legal to buy Zopiclone online?

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A Beginners Guide to Xanax


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Zapain is a brand of pain relief medication. Zapain contains both paracetamol and codeine, making it an effective way to manage pain. The generic version of zapain is called co-codamol.


EU Meds explore the anxiety relief medication Diazepam in this helpful guide.


The world of pain relief medication can be extremely confusing and overwhelming. When you are in pain, for the most part, the quickest solution is the one desired. But what amount mixing pain relief? Will it help your pain, or is it a recipe for disaster?


When you are suffering from insomnia, it can be easy to feel like you are the only person in the entire world who is awake. Insomnia is actually a very common sleep disorder, which not only makes it hard for you to fall asleep, but it can make you wake up too early or unable to get back to sleep.


In the complicated and saturated world of pain killers, not knowing which is stronger or the most suitable for your pain can be incredibly stressful. Added stress, which is not needed at any time, let alone when you’re already suffering with pain. Two very popular pain killers are dihydrocodeine and codeine. But which is stronger? What pain relief treatment is best for your pain?


Dihydrocodeine belongs to a range of medication known as opiates. Opiates are often talked about in the world of painkillers, but what exactly are they? Opiates include controlled pain relief medication, which needs a prescription to purchase. They are derived from Opium, which is a chemical that naturally occurs in poppy seeds and plants.

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